IRS accepted thousands of 2013 tax returns on January 24th 2014

The Internal Revenue Service begun accepting returns January 24th, 2014.

We have received hundreds of reports that the I.R.S. has been accepting tax returns before January 31st2014. It seems that they have started accepting select few income tax returns on January 24th 2014. We contacted the I.R.S. on that day and were told that to help with the case load, they have accepted some returns early. They plan is to accept returns all next week that meet very strict rules.

Please comment on here when you were accepted, so that we can keep see if they do a pay out on January 29th. This would be in line with 2012 and 2011 tax returns.

Thank you for reading.IRS Delays Start of 2014 U.S. Tax Filing Citing Shutdown


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